from 2010 to 2014 (5 years, 4 events), i served in overlapping succession as a founding board member, co-chair, program director, and instigator of continued equity/diversity/inclusion for the wild goose festival. betwixt and between my various responsibilities, i also managed to find time to speak at each.
this is my talk from wild goose festival 2014, including question and response time. it is a story that didn’t make it in the book.
you can also get it in bite-size chunks:
this is a picture of the multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-faith steering committee i put together to expand the possibilities of the festival in 2014. it is the image of what i had been shooting for since the beginning. the challenge of achieving equity/diversity/inclusion that year proved more taxing than i had hoped. 2014 was the last year i spoke or led at the goose.