Author Melvin on Parenting Forward with Cindy Wang Brandt

i had a fabulous time (as always) chopping it up with cindy wang brandt on her brand new podcast and upcoming booking, Parenting Forward. cindy’s joy and curiosity and commitment

Author Melvin Bray on the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Podcast

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Review of BETTER by Pastor/Author/Historian Bob Cornwall

“[BETTER: Waking Up to Who We Could Be] is a book that really needs to be read and savored, so that stories can be reimagined and retold. “As a white

#MeToo #IHave #betterthanwordsAPOLOGY

i’ve been silently grieved by all that has been expressed by #metoo over the past few days. as a male friend of mine posted, “I already knew but the avalanche


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Beloved Community 12-Step Model

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BETTER Parenting – Interview with Melvin Bray

You frame your book, BETTER on the idea of COMPOSTing stories, faith stories that lead to more just and virtuous living in community.

Melvin Bray Joins Tick, Talk, Take with Doug Pagitt To Discuss “Better”

Melvin Bray joins Doug and Victoria Lin to talk about his book “Better – Waking Up To Who We Could Be”


The Melvin Bray Interview: Politics, Racism, and Telling a Better Story
